The Bundle:
Idea Dashboard
+ Client Dashboard

Breakup with disorganization! 

Upon submission, you give me permission to email you. I never share your information.

Give your brain a break! 

Create an organized business and life!

  • Use the power of ONE to reduce decision fatigue.
  • Learn shortcuts, tips, and tricks.
  • Tutorial videos show how to set up and use the Idea and Client Dashboards.
  • ALL of your ideas catagorized and organized in your Idea Dashboard.
  • Client info, sessions, notes and leads organized neatly in your Client Dashboard.

Finally, there is an easy way to get digitally organized!

Mary said this about the Idea Dashboard...

"Thank you so much for your amazing Idea Dashboard. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it changed my life. In a VERY good way! First, I learned how to use Google Sheets more efficiently. Even the clever use of emojis to identify the tabs was new to me. So helpful. Thank you for that! 

But the benefits go way beyond that. Having an organized place to put my ideas and notes for my membership has been a huge game changer for how I'm organizing not only my ideas but, more importantly, my TIME. Preparing for all the classes I deliver in my membership is so much easier now. 

Since I started using your Idea Dashboard, everything seems so much more manageable. I just had to share my gratitude and excitement with you. Thank you!!!!"  


Organize ALL client info (and consults) in ONE location!

 One fully customizable, proven process for managing clients.

 A video showing behind the scenes of my exact system for tracking and managing my clients and consults. 

 A video with examples of how to use and customize your Client Tracker.

 A video showing you how to connect a Google form (client intake, client testimonials, etc) to your Client Tracker.

 Instructions showing you how to change the colors, columns, order, etc. to match your business offer(s).  

 Easily access it on your computer with ONE click.

  The Client Trackers saves immediately and syncs to all your devices.

Valued at $146. Yours for FREE!


Never lose track of an idea again. 

 One fully customizable Google sheet with individual pages/tabs for each idea category.

 Add your own categories. Change the colors, columns, order, etc, to meet your own idea needs. 

 Record the books you want to read, landing pages you love, courses you want to take, thoughts you are practicing, coaching questions you want to remember to ask your clients, etc. 

 Map out the next course you want to create. Even store your passwords here. The ideas for ideas are endless! 🤩

  Get Google Sheets on your phone to record ideas on the go. The document saves immediately and syncs to all your devices.

 Pin this document to your bookmark bar for easy access or star it to find it quickly. 

 Full instruction videos are included to show you how to use and customize your Idea Dashboard.

Terry's Testimony - Idea Dashboard

Valued at $146. Yours FREE!